John Clark

Forensic Pathologist

Professional Experience

Forensic Pathologist in the United Kingdom for over 35 years

Worked in University departments in both Scotland and England, and now based in Glasgow

Continuous autopsy and court work, student teaching, supervision of local and overseas trainees, and various other professional roles

Local and national involvement in professional roles

International Work

Chief Pathologist for ICTY in its work in Bosnia and Croatia from 1999 – 2001

Testified in several trials in The Hague, including trials of the most senior figures in the Balkans Wars

Continued links with the Balkans, including training sessions, research cooperation, provision of an annual forensic course for medical students in Sarajevo, and involvement in a charity for young people in the north of Bosnia

Current Roles

Nominally retired, but local and international work continues

Regular missions throughout the world for the International Criminal Court (ICC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and other tribunals

Currently involved with the new Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor’s Office (SPO)